We are delighted to inform you that the Writers Project of Ghana and Goethe-Institut Ghana will be hosting the seventh edition of Pa Gya! A Literary Festival in Accra.
The festival will run from Friday, October 13th, 2023, to Sunday, October 15th, 2023.
Pa Gya! A Literary Festival in Accra is a three-day literary arts festival featuring activities such as readings, panel discussions, poetry performances, talks, story-telling sessions, book launches, literary prize awards, comics and graphic novels, exhibitions and more.
The Writers Project of Ghana (WPG) is a nonprofit organisation based in Ghana and the U.S. to promote Ghanaian literature and writing through creative writing workshops, discussion groups, public readings, online publishing, and the establishment of a small press.
WPG was founded to sustain literary cultures in Ghana. WPG advances the notion that a free exchange of ideas is essential to the health and prosperity of any community.
Call for Proposals
The festival invites submissions from organisations, groups or persons interested in participating in this year’s festival.
They welcome your ideas from 26th May 2023 until 26th July 2023.
They are incredibly open to proposals that explore collaborations and for events and authors at this year’s festival. They must focus on literary output such as writing, books, performance, etc., or activities such as workshops, book clubs, or related projects.
Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis. We encourage sending in your proposals early and for sure before the deadline of 26th July 2023.
Interested persons, organisations and groups who wish to present or stage an event may email pagyafestival@gmail.com with the subject PROPOSAL FOR PAGYA 2023.
This call is also open to booksellers, publishers and literary organisations who may wish to take stands during the festival.
Email: pagyafestival@gmail.com / info@writersprojectghana.com
Telephone/ Whatsapp: 026 766 8890 (call times 9 am to 6 pm every day)
Follow our social media platforms for updates on the festival and other WPG related events: Facebook – Writers Project of Ghana and Twitter/ Instagram – @writerspg
Visit: WPA for further details