The Department of History Education at the University of Education, Winneba, is organising its first annual Conference in history. This annual Conference marks a significant point in their gradual growth. The department now invites scholars and students in Ghana and abroad to respond to this call and contribute to this premier annual Conference.
Venue: Winneba, Ghana.
Theme: The History, Culture & Heritage of Indigenous States and Societies in Africa.
Keynote Speaker: Rashid Ismail, PhD, Professor of History on the Marion Musser ’32, Department of History, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, USA.
Suggested Themes
Papers should engage the following sub-themes from interdisciplinary cross-national and comparative perspectives.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Conceptualizing Indigenous States
Studies of Collective or Individual States and Societies
Centralisation, Federation and Unitary States
Governance and Institutions
Resolution and Nature of Conflicts and Warfare
States, Kingdoms and Tributary States
Political, Social and Economic Institutions
Indigenous States and Monuments, Grooves, etc.
Rites of Passage (All or Any One Aspect)
Indigenous States and Material Culture
Forests Reserves and Ecology
Health, Healing, Healers and Medicine
Urbanisation and Urbanism
Art and Technology
Socialisation, Leisure, sports and Entertainment
Education and Epistemology
Commerce, Market, and Trade Routes
Free and Unfree Labor
Movements and Migrations
Exploitation of Natural Resources
Land Tenure and Land Use
Transportation and Mobility
Crime, punishment and security
Capital, Labour, Market and Productivity
Religious and Ritual Practices of Rites of Passage
Conception of Festivals and Relevance
Mining, Agriculture and Fishing
State Accumulation and Responses
Spatiality, Architecture and Housing
Gender and Sexuality
Morality and Deviance
Artisanship/Work and Apprenticeship
Religion, Ontology, Worldview and Philosophy
Submission Guidelines:
Abstracts are due by March 15, 2024.
It should be no more than 300 words for individual papers and 500 words for panel proposals.
Your abstracts should include Full Name, Institutional Affiliation, and Contact – address, email, and phone number.
Acceptance of abstracts and provision of additional information on the Conference will be communicated to selected prospective contributors by March 29, 2024.
Full or completed papers of no less than 20 pages, equivalent to 10,000 words (double-spaced, Times New Roman, and Font 12), excluding notes and bibliography, should be submitted by August 26, 2024.
The Conference will be held on November 21-23, 2024. Selected papers will be published in 2025.
Registration And Submission Proposal Link:
CONTACT: +233 (0) 208891010
Dr (Mrs) Oforiwaa Anita Adu-Boahen
Host: University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
Conference Registration Fee:
Scholars in Ghana-Gh€500
Students in Ghana-GhC100
Overseas Scholars-$250 dollars
Overseas Students-$150 dollars