Deadline: 30 May 2024
The University of Energy and Natural Resources is thrilled to announce the opening of admissions and scholarships for its unique Land Degradation Neutrality programme.
This distinctive programme of study, designed to address the unprecedented deterioration of our natural environment, is now accepting applications for the 2024/2025 academic year.
This programme evolved out of the need to study and salvage the unprecedented deterioration of our natural environment.
The University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), in collaboration with the GEO-LDN Secretariat and UNCCD, has designed the following international postgraduate programmes to help all countries address LD and build synergies between efforts:
Master of Science in Land Degradation Neutrality (MSc. – LDN; 1-year duration)
Master of Philosophy in Land Degradation Neutrality (MPhil – LDN; 2 years duration)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainable Land Management (PhD – SLM; 3 years duration)
General Admission Requirements
MSc. – LDN (Duration; 2 semesters)
Prospective applicants must:
a. Be a graduate of any recognised accredited institution.
b. Have a minimum of 3rd Class in the following relevant areas: Environmental Science / Engineering / Management / Studies, Land Management / Economy, Geoinformation Science, Geomatic Engineering, Natural Resources, Planning, Geography, Agricultural Science / Engineering, Earth Sciences, Geology, Mining, and Climate Science.
c. Proven ability to undertake rigorous academic work in the ensuing semester
MPhil – LDN (Duration; 2 years; 4 semesters)
Prospective applicants must:
a. Be a graduate of any recognised accredited institution.
b. Have a minimum of 2nd Class (lower division) Honours in the following relevant areas: Land Management/Economy, Geomatics, Geoinformation Science, Natural Resources, Environmental Science/Engineering/Management/Studies, Earth Sciences, Planning, Geography, Geology, Mining, Agricultural Science/Engineering, and Climate Science.
c. In addition to clause 1c above, Proven ability to undertake scientific research within the stipulated duration.
PhD – SLM (Duration; 3 years; 6 semesters)
Prospective applicants must: a. Be a graduate of any recognised accredited institution.
b. Have graduated with an MSc with research OR an MPhil in the following relevant areas: Land Management / Economy, Geomatic Engineering, Geoinformation Science, Natural Resources, Environmental Science / Engineering / Management / Studies, Planning, Geography, Agricultural Science / Engineering, Earth Sciences, Geology, Mining Engineering, Mining, and Climate Science.
c. Proven ability to undertake rigorous research in key relevant areas specified by the faculty and its partners.
d. Demonstration of previous or on-going research work of international, national or local relevance to sustainable land management. Exceptional Second year MPhil/MSc students may be upgraded into the PhD programme upon recommendation from the programmes Coordinator and the Schools Board.
Admission and Selection
The School will shortlist some of the applicants for interview based on their qualifications and area of study. All shortlisted applicants will go through an interview organised by the Department. Only candidates who are successful in the interview will be admitted.
Mode of Delivery
Full-time: Weekdays / Evenings (Monday – Friday); lectures, project work, field trips, and seminars. Part-time: Weekends (Saturdays and Sundays only); lectures, Project work, field trips, and seminars. Modula: Twelve months; one module per month; full-time and part-time basis as above. In addition, lectures could be conducted face-to-face or via virtual platforms.
Job Prospects
Graduates of the LDN programmes shall have an added advantage to gaining employment at all levels of the United Nations Agencies and Commissions, International Organisations and NGOs, State Governmental Agencies responsible for Land and Natural Resources, the Private sector and industries such as Mining, Agriculture, Forestry and Energy. Subject to agency-specific naming conventions, graduates could be employed to perform roles such as Environmental Analysts, Resource Analysts, Land Managers, Project/Programme Managers, Monitoring and Evaluation technicians, etc.
Mode of Application
Please submit all relevant documents in a single PDF file to the School of Graduate Studies through the following email addresses:
1.; copying the Head of Department via 2.
Relevant documents include:
1. Certificate(s) of completion from previous studies
2. Transcripts
3. Two Referee reports / recommendation letters from current and previous institutions/organisations.
4. CV
5. Any other
NOTE: For prospective foreign applicants, there is no requirement for an online application
Details on Scholarships (Scholarships Awards_LDN_2024)